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Product: MX-70, MX-80


MX-70, MX-80


MX-70, MX-80
TOP 3 Benefits:

  • Health & Ecotoxicity
  • Fit for Purpose Certified
  • Environmental Management System

MX-70 Hydrocarbon convertor is a complex blend of mineral silicates designed to neutralise and reduce oils and other hydrocarbons upon contact for safe disposal. MX-70 Hydrocarbon convertor breaks down the long-chain molecules of the hydrocarbon into much shorter molecules. This chemically converts pollutants to less harmful substances with minimal effort.

When applied to contaminated soil, a nominal reaction time renders the contaminant irreversibly altered and the contaminant now no longer possesses its chemical fingerprint. The conversion and encapsulation process results in harmless reaction products such as organo-silicates.

MX-70 can be applied in industries including soil remediation, oil/hydrocarbon spills, acid spills, heavy metal encapsulation, cleaning of storage tanks & equipment, cleaning of marine vessels at sea, cleaning of intertidal zones, cleaning of railway lines, concrete and tar surfaces, and workshops and wash bays.

MX-80 Hydrocarbon remediator is a complex blend of proprietary chemistry and remediation additives, offering rapid reductions of a broad spectrum of organic pollutants, with the combined benefits of the speed of chemistry and the security of long-term microbial remediation. MX80 contains a unique blend of different microbe strains used to effectively degrade both aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. These reinforce or augment the natural biological process.

Certification Tag
LCA Rate Result
  • GreenTag LCARate Bronze
    Under Renewal
LCARate Scorecard


Health & Ecotoxicity

Corporate Social Responsibility

More information:

This product is certified as Bronze Only.

Issues of Concern/Red Lights (if needed) The products have successfully passed the GreenTag Health and Ecotoxicity Risk Assessment Process with issues of concern or red lights comments existing regarding the toxicity of the products. The post evaluation risk of these substances have been classified as 'Low' as both Cyberchem and their suppliers have sufficient measures in place to minimize risk. The product is not considered safe for ingestion and should not come in contact with the eyes in its concentrated form. It should not be directly disposed of into natural waterways as the product can be harmful to the aquatic life. If a spill should occur, immediately prevent concentrate from entering drains or waterways and consult a registered waste management company to remove and dispose of according to municipal by laws.

Rating tools relevance:

GreenStar ' Performance v1.2' Rating Tools Credits:
o Procurement and Purchasing: Consumable Materials
o Green Cleaning

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