Product: Glass Wool Rigid Board and HD Pipe Insulation and Glass Wool Blankets
Arabian Fiberglass Insulation Company
Glass Wool Rigid Board and HD Pipe Insulation and Glass Wool Blankets
Top 3 Benefits:
- Low toxicity- no toxicity in use
- Materials Transparency
- Low VOC
AFICO Insulations, including Board, Blanket, and Heavy Density Pipe Insulations, are composed of fine, stable, and uniformly textured inorganic glass fibers bonded with a non-water-soluble, fire-retardant, and heat-resistant resin. The Board Insulation forms semi-rigid and rigid boards, while the lightweight Blanket Insulation is flexible. Heavy Density Pipe Insulation, designed for durability, is preformed with a single seam, opening easily to fit pipes and snapping closed after placement. All AFICO insulations are free from coarse fibers and shot.
These products are suitable for interior use in commercial and residential projects.
Health & Ecotoxicity
- Low VOC levels
- No Toxicity Issues of Concern
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Complies with relevant social and environmental laws of the country of operation
Ratings Tools
- Earthcheck
- Green Star AU - GBCA
- WELL Features - IWBI
More information:
The product is GreenTag HealthRATE PlatinumHEALTH Certified.
The scope of certification includes Blanket & Batts, Board and Pipe Insulation.
Global GreenTag International Standard V4.1.
This product is available Globally.
Rating tools relevance:
Green Star® Australia "Buildings" v1.0 Rating tool:
- Credit 7: Responsible Envelope
- Credit 9: Responsible Finishes
- Credit 13: Exposure to Toxins
Green Star® Australia "Interiors v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:
- Credit 12: Indoor Pollutants (Reduction in internal air pollutant level)
- Credit 21: Sustainable Products
Green Star® Australia "Performance 1.2" Rating Tools Credit:
- Credit 21: Procurement & Purchasing (Refurbishment Materials)
IWBI® WELL v1.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Features:
- Feature 26 Enhanced Material Safety (Part 1)
- Feature 97 Material Transparency (Part 1)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
- Feature 04 VOC Reduction (Part 4)
- Feature 11 Fundamental Material Safety (Part 1)
- Feature 25 Toxic Material Reduction (Part 4)
IWBI® WELL v2.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Feature/s:
- X07 Materials Transparency (Parts 1, 3)
- X08 Materials Optimization (Part 2)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
- X01 Material Restrictions (Part 1)
- X05 Enhanced Material Restrictions (Part 1, 2)
- X06 VOC Restrictions (Part 2)
- X07 Materials Transparency (Part 2)
- X08 Materials Optimization (Part 1)
LEED® v4.0 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (PHD™ Available):
- Option 1: Material Ingredient Reporting and,
LEED® v4.1 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (PHD™ Available):
- Option 1: Material Ingredient Reporting and,
EarthCheck Rating Tool:
- Sustainable Materials
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