Product: Hardie™ Plank Weatherboard, Hardie™ Flex Sheet, ExoTec™ Facade Panel
James Hardie New Zealand Ltd
Hardie™ Plank Weatherboard, Hardie™ Flex Sheet,
ExoTec™ Facade Panel
TOP 3 Benefits
- Low toxicity- no toxicity in use
- Fit For Purpose Certified
- EPD available
Hardie™ Plank Weatherboard is a 7.5mm thick fibre cement weatherboard with two woodgrain textures. It can be used to clad whole homes or as extensions to brick homes.
Hardie™ Flex Sheet is a smooth, flat panel. HardieFlex Sheets are suitable for residential extensions, second-story additions and gable ends. It can also be used to line porches, verandahs, carports, soffits, and eaves. HardieFlex is commonly used for board and batten-style cladding.
ExoTec™ Facade Panel is a smooth sanded compressed fibre cement (CFC) façade panel that works with a top-hat system to create geometric designs with 10mm express joints. It is designed for low-rise, high-rise and commercial building facades.
Hardie™ Plank Weatherboard, Hardie™ Flex Sheet, and ExoTec™ Facade Panel are suitable for residential or commercial use. These products come with a 15-year warranty, and EPD is available.
BRANZ has assessed and determined that all the products above are suitable for use where a non-combustible material is specified in the New Zealand Building Code Acceptable Solution C/AS 1-7 for Fire Safety.
Health & Ecotoxicity
- Considered safe to use
- No Toxicity Issues of Concern
Life Cycle Analysis - Water
- Water footprint available
Life Cycle Analysis - Greenhouse Gas
- Carbon footprint available
Corporate Social Responsibility
- ≤15 year warranty
- All marketing environmental claims verified accurate
- Annual Sustainability Reporting
- Complies with relevant social and environmental laws of the country of operation
- Fit for Purpose certified
- Replacement parts available
Australian Made
- Made in Australia from majority Aust. components
Ratings Tools
- Green Star AU - GBCA
- Green Star NZ - GBCNZ
- IS Rating - ISCA
- New Zealand Homestar
- WELL Features - IWBI
More information:
The product is GreenTag GreenRate Level A Certified under Scheme A5
Issues of Concern/Red Lights (if needed) The products have successfully passed the relevant GreenTag Standard's Cautionary Assessment Process and no issues of concern or red lights comments exist regarding the toxicity of the products
Rating tools relevance:
Green Star® Australia "Buildings" v1.0 Rating tool:
- Credit 7: Responsible Envelope
Green Star® Australia "Design & As Built v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:
- Credit 20: Responsible Building Materials (Timber)
- Credit 21: Sustainable Products
Green Star® Australia "Interiors v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:
- Credit 21: Sustainable Products
- Green Star® Australia "Performance 1.2" Rating Tools Credit:
- Credit 21: Procurement & Purchasing (Refurbishment Materials)
Green Star® New Zealand 'Design & As Built NZ' v1.1:
- Credit 20: Responsible Products (Timber)
- Credit 21: Sustainable Products
Green Star® New Zealand 'Interiors NZ' v1.1:
- Credit 20: Responsible Products (Timber)
- Credit 21: Sustainable Products
Green Star® New Zealand 'Performance NZ' v1.2:
- Credit 21: Procurement and Purchasing
New Zealand Homestar® v4.0 Rating Tool:
- MAT-1 Sustainable Materials
- MAT-2 Healthy Materials
New Zealand Homestar® v5.0 Rating Tool:
- HC7 Healthy Materials
- EN3 Sustainable Materials
LOTUS® Vietnam 'New Construction' V3:
- Credit MR-2: Sustainable Materials
IWBI® WELL v1.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Features:
- Feature 26 Enhanced Material Safety (Part 1)
- Feature 97 Material Transparency (Part 1)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
- Feature 11 Fundamental Material Safety (Part 1)
- Feature 25 Toxic Material Reduction (Part 1, 2, 3)
IWBI® WELL v2.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Feature/s:
- X07 Materials Transparency (Parts 1, 3)
- X08 Materials Optimization (Part 2)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
- X01 Material Restrictions (Part 1)
- X05 Enhanced Material Restrictions (Part 2)
- X07 Materials Transparency (Part 2)
- X08 Materials Optimization (Part 1)
IS® v1.2:
- Mat-2 Environmentally Labelled Products and Supply Chain
IS® Design & As-Built v2.1:
- Rso-7 Sustainability Labelled Products and Supply Chains
LEED® v4.0 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):
- Option 1: Environmental Product Declarations
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (PHD™ Available):
- Option 1: Material Ingredient Reporting and,
- Option 2: International ACP - REACH Optimization
LEED® v4.1 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):
- Option 1: Environmental Product Declarations,
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (PHD™ Available):
- Option 1: Material Ingredient Reporting and,
- Option 2: International ACP - REACH Optimization
EarthCheck Rating Tool:
- Sustainable Materials
GreenTech Malaysia's MyHIJAU Ecolabelling and Green Products Database:
- All Green Building and Interiors Products
EPD EN 15804 & ISO 14025 as Supporting Technical Evidence for:
Green Star® Australia "Buildings" v1.0 Rating tool:
- Credit 9: Responsible Finishes
- Credit 21: Upfront Carbon Emissions
- Credit 26: Life Cycle Impacts
Green Star® Australia "Design & As Built v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:
- Credit 19: Life Cycle Impacts
Green Star® Australia "Interiors v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:
- Credit 19: Life Cycle Assessment
Green Star® New Zealand 'Design & As Built NZ' v1.1:
- Credit 19: Life Cycle Assessment
IS® v1.2:
- Mat-1 Lifecycle Impact Measurement and Reduction
IS® Design & As-Built v2.1:
- Rso-6 Material Life Cycle Measurement and Management
LEED® v4.0 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):
- Option 2: Multi-Attribute Optimization
LEED® v4.1 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):
- Option 2: Multi-Attribute Optimization
BRE Global BREEAM® International New Construction v6.0 Rating Tool:
- MAT01 Life Cycle Impacts
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