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UPDATE: New Terms and Conditions

Global GreenTag Certification – Important update to Terms and Conditions for Manufacturers

New terms and conditions have been introduced for manufacturers, who have submitted their products for certification, declaration and verification through Global GreenTag services. Please take careful note of the following processes that will take effect immediately, from December 2022, as each product assessment process comes to completion:

Any additional requests may incur an additional fee and the following terms and conditions will take effect:

If you have any further enquiries about these terms and conditions, please contact Dr Nana Bortsie-Aryee, who is Global GreenTag's current Assessment Team Lead. Email: or Phone: +61 (7) 3399 9686

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Global GreenTag certified products pass the world's toughest standards to protect you, and your family's health and safety, minimise your impact on our finite planet and put the power of selection back in your hands.


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Find out how Global GreenTag certified products pass the worlds toughest standards for health, eco performance and safety.

Recognised by major green rating schemes, GreenTag is your one-stop certification to choose for evidence product selections.