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Global GreenTag Assessment Team Members Join Coreo to Plant Trees for Conservation Park in Australia

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Two members of the Global GreenTag International Product Assessment Team participated in a tree planting project with Coreo recently – joining a Conservation Park Bush Care Group in the suburb of Tarragindi in Brisbane, Australia.

Yathu Harikumar, a Product Assessor and Environmental Engineer with Global GreenTag was joined by fellow Assessment Team member Emma Mullholland.

Yathu said:

"The event was not just an opportunity to give back to nature, but also a profoundly, fulfilling experience that highlighted the strength and potential of community collaboration.

Emma said:

"The Coreo Tree Planting Day was a great experience. I enjoyed being out in the cool, fresh air, getting my hands dirty, and seeing the power of teamwork all around me. At one point I found a tiny frog hiding in the hole we had dug out for the trees, and it was super cute relocating him to a better spot."

Planting new trees - GreenTag's Yathu Harikumar and Emma Mullholland

Coreo are a dedicated team of systems thinkers, strategists and all-round doers, taking the circular economy from theory to practice globally. Their vision is to contribute to a future where we have an economy that serves people and nature, rather than one that people and nature serve.

Lindar Butler , Coreo's Partnerships Manager said:

"The tree planting day in Brisbane is part of that mission to transform economies to serve people and nature to make a real-world difference."


In recognition of Emma and Yathu's involvement in this year's program, Coreo also planted a plant in the ground on behalf of Global GreenTag, Lindar adding:
"This isn't just any plant – it is one of the 10,000 plants we've placed in the ground, contributing to the incredible regeneration happening in a conservation area of Brisbane."

Proud of the work achieved with Coreo and volunteer planters in Brisbane, Yathu added:

"I am eager to see the lasting impact of our work. Our contribution underscores the importance of Global GreenTag's commitment to environmental stewardship – and that through partnerships and community driven initiatives, we can make meaningful contributions to our planet's well-being."

For more information about Coreo, visit their website HERE

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