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NaturePositive: Why is a focus on nature the new 'green'? What is it and how do we achieve it at a project and product level?

Featured talk for the Future-Forward Design program for ArchiBuild Expo and Design Show Australia in Sydney at the ICC June 13 being delivered by David Baggs of Global GreenTag International. Ideal for progressive thinking Architects, Designers and Manufacturers.

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ArchiBuild Expo

The introduction of a new NaturePositive+™ Standard and NaturePositive+ Declaration™ for products by Global GreenTag International is the first specific standard for manufacturers to track, measure and report on new benchmarks in manufacturing.

Ultimately, the reach of the Standard is much more as it aspires to help drive Circular Economy design and even greater benchmark projects in the built environment – simply because it focuses on Net Positive Nature repair as a non-negotiable – essentially a standard within itself to be upheld, which positions the importance of protection, preservation and regeneration of biodiversity as first and foremost, above all else.

David Baggs, CEO, Technical Director and Co-founder of Global GreenTag International helps us understand how projects can effectively work with products that have been submitted for assessment under the NaturePositive Standard.

🌳 Learn how to navigate through product level information provided on a NaturePositive+ Declaration and allow it to inform projects at a design level.

🌳Examine how products undergo processes to see if they have achieved a NP+ Declaration and NaturePositive rating.

🌳Understand at a materials level what separates NaturePositive products from business-as-usual products.

The presentation is at 12.30pm on June 13 in Theatre 2.

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