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State of Waste - Global GreenTag Joins Australian Panel Discussion[]

David Baggs,  Global GreenTag's CEO and Program Director will be part of a panel discussion this week at AWRE- the Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo this Thursday,  August 30 in Sydney.  The panel topic is: State of Waste - The Changing Face of Australia's Waste Sector

In the last twenty years, Australia has strived to increase its recycling capacity to meet the increases in waste generation. The most important waste streams, namely organic material, paper and plastics, have all experienced promising increases in landfill diversion.

However, stakeholders are now facing a changing environment. China's National Sword creates challenges for MRF operators and local councils to readjust their contracts, processing capacities and quality standards. At the same time, industry players in NSW are hoping to take advantage of new state revenue from the "Return and Earn" scheme (CDS), whilst the Queensland Government will focus on the implementation of the recently announced landfill levy.

This panel will address these topics and issues, facilitating a discussion around available local government and stakeholder options, industry challenges and waste market opportunities.

David Baggs will join other panelists: Mike Ritchie -  Managing Director of MRA Consulting Group,  Pete Shmigel -  CEO of Australian Council of Recycling (ACOR) and Geoff Hill - Chief Commercial Officer of
Bingo Industries.

To book a seat for this seminar, please visit this link HERE

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