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INVITATION: Moving With The Tools - Futures Of Product Certification On Green Projects

We hope you can be our guest at this presentation and discussion during the DesignBUILD expo in Sydney on May 14.  Moving with the tools - the futures of product certification on Green Projects has been designed by David Baggs, Global GreenTag's CEO and Program Director, specifically for the Architecture and Design community.

In company with other industry specialists, David will be addressing solutions from a product selection process to help meet the new and forthcoming changes and movements that are occurring in green building rating programs - covering hot issues including health and how Modern Slavery reporting requirements will impact specifications.  David will be outlining how to work with these changes and maximise project outcomes with programs like WELL™ Green Star®, Infrastructure Sustainability rating tool and LEED™.  He says:

"Global GreenTag has always been inspired by projects that are gunning to deliver more responsible and sustainable outcomes. We are a comprehensive product certification resource. It is exciting now that we are able to better assist professionals and projects that are aiming to deliver even higher ratings in their push for better health, carbon zero outcomes, the eradication of unethical supply chains and Modern Slavery, and also for the emerging movement to help take green building in the residential sector to the next level."

David will be mapping out for participants how the recently expanded Global GreenTag system of certifications are going to be working concurrently and compliantly in each of these exciting movements.

Register below for 'Moving with the tools - the futures of product certification on Green Projects' 

We look forward to seeing you.

Thank you!

For more details, please contact:
Debra Robertson, Marketing & Communications
Email: mailto:[] or phone: 1300 263 586[]

David Baggs, CEO and Program Director of Global GreenTag International Pty Ltd
Voted one of Australia's Top 50 Green Leaders and Top 100 Sustainability Leaders Globally, David Baggs is a world-renowned sustainability and materials expert, and CEO and Program Director of Global GreenTagCertTM one of the world's leading LCA based product ecolabels and certification marks for healthy and environmentally conscious products on the planet. David is also an award winning green building architect, author, Exemplar Global Lead Auditor, Member of GBCA's and ISCA's Materials Expert Panels and Past President of the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society.Global GreenTag International
Global GreenTag International Pty Ltd is an internationally recognised, multi-award-winning Type 1 (Third Party) Ecolabelling, Product Certification, Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and Product health Declaration (PhD) program operator based in Australia, but with offices and representation also in the Americas, Africa, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia.  Global GreenTag programs are formally recognised in Green Star®, WELL™, BREEAM International, EarthCheck®, LOTUS® and the Malaysian Government's MyHIJAU program and are compliant with credit requirements in LEED® (PhDs and EPDs), and BREEAM® (EPDs).

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