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OPENING UP ... Debbie Hessenberger of Vertilux Corporation Speaks to Global GreenTag International

As part of a new feature questionnaire series with manufacturers of Global GreenTag Certified and Declared products, our first guest represents Australian manufacturer Vertilux.  Debbie Hessenberger National Marketing Manager for the company that produces sustainable window coverings for the industry provides some interesting responses to our questions that probe what it is like to be a green-focused manufacturer in 2020.

Name:  Debbie Hessenberger

Position: National Marketing Manager, Vertilux

Location: Melbourne, Victoria

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What inspires you about Vertilux as a green focused product manufacturer?

Everything we do has impact and for me, it's about actively changing the way companies view sustainability and social responsibility, from mandatory to an opportunity to innovate. As a pioneer in the window coverings industry, Vertilux's resilience and ability to lead insightful design solutions for the built environment inspires me as this is what creates positive change for our planet and a sustainable future.


How Important is having Global GreenTag Product Certifications and Declarations for Vertilux – and Why?

Environmental certifications are positively changing the way materials are being viewed in the marketplace and offer transparency as well as demonstrating compliance with building regulations. Global GreentTag's certification pathway has definitely assisted Vertilux in cementing our position as a sustainable leader and supplier to the commercial market.  Additionally, it has created an ease of use to specifiers in facilitating the exchange of information to enable a future of healthier buildings and its occupants.

What would you like to see evolve or improve in the green building industry to ensure that green buildings or interior projects are met and exceeded?

Unfortunately, products are still getting swapped out at build stage with imposters pretending to have and/or supply our products knowing full well the specification and documentation for such are submitted and approved early in the process.  I am currently discussing this topic with GBCA about what can be done to eradicate this problem.

Additionally, I am looking forward to the seeing the introduction of GBCA's online directory due later this year of pre-approved products and in particular Responsible Product Scores (RPVs) which will help to clearly differentiate Vertilux from its competitors.

As a snapshot in this moment and time in 2020, what is it that you would like to share about what you are doing in your office space or home environment that you feel bears testimony that you are living and working sustainably?

I have been working on some exciting new product development initiatives, which will only further entrench our authenticity and credibility as a green focused product manufacturer.  This will coincide with a revamped website and a new commercial case.  Personally, I have also been using this time to update my knowledge and capability in this area to ensure successful product positioning in the most honest, impactful way to support our products unique value.

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