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Accessing verified supply chain information for Modern Slavery Statements

Webinar: 10:00am - 11:00am AEDT, Wednesday, December 2nd 2020

Presenter: David Baggs, CEO and Program Director, Global GreenTag International

Learn how to simplify your Modern Slavery procurement responses, reduce compliance risks and enhance your company's brand and reputation further with third party verified supply chain information from over 100 ethical manufacturers.

We invite you to this 1 hour webinar on Wednesday, December 2 that will include time for your questions to explore the world's first ever Modern Slavery Declaration for products - the Global GreenTag International MSD™ Modern Slavery Declaration.

The new Australian Federal Government Modern Slavery Legislation is kicking in this second half of 2020 and the pressure is on for companies earning consolidated revenue of over $100 million to provide supporting documentation to back their Modern Slavery Statements. A pressure that is also being felt downline.

A sizeable aspect of bringing together a Modern Slavery Statement must include evidence and assurance of accurate reporting of production practices behind products and materials. Companies who supply and serve into larger top 3000 organisations are increasingly being asked to provide appropriate verified documentation.

This is where Global GreenTag can assist to simplify and streamline the process.

We have always assessed for core aspects of Modern Slavery in supply chains as it is a requirement for assessment of products under the Global GreenTag International Product Certification Standards where we demand 100 percent transparency during both our certification and declaration processes.

With the Global GreenTag Modern Slavery Declaration, however we go deeper with products to directly deal with supply chain information beyond Tier 1 suppliers globally to provide a declaration report of Modern Slavery issues and risks. It is the first of its kind in the world at a product level that we believe is needed to help overcome incidences of Modern Slavery continuing and has been in development since 2015.

We all have an ethical and moral obligation now to do the right thing and we believe that we can provide a solution to serve your organisation and its procurement partners around the production of Modern Slavery Statements, especially for organisations with large procurement portfolios.

We hope you can join us on December 2 to learn more.

For further enquiries, please contact Debra Robertson by email: or telephone (free call in Australia:1300 263 586) and internationally +61 7 3399 9686

Register here!

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