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Better address health risks associated with DINP – have your say!

Important new stakeholder consultation launches to improve Global GreenTag International Certification Standards.

Global GreenTag International is inviting stakeholders to provide feedback on proposed recommendations and consultation questions to help shape the future direction of managing DINP Risks in the Global GreenTag Certification Standards.

Email all responses to Dr Nana Bortsie-Aryee, Program Director - Global GreenTag International

Comments close Friday, May 16. 2025.

Please read the following and we look forward to your feedback



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized its risk evaluation for diisononyl phthalate (DINP) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Key findings include:

• Unreasonable risks to workers exposed to high concentrations of DINP, especially in mist form.

• Health risks identified: developmental toxicity, liver damage, cancer, and phthalate syndrome, which affects male reproductive health.

• Primary uses of DINP: As a plasticizer in flexible PVC, building materials, adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings, automotive products, and electronics.

• Consumer exposure: Minimal risk, but occupational exposure is a significant concern.

Research Findings

• DINP exposure occurs primarily through inhalation of mist during industrial applications of adhesives, sealants, paints, and coatings.

• Health effects include developmental harm to the male reproductive system, liver damage, and cancer.

• The EPA identified that workplace exposure is the primary factor contributing to health risks.

EPA Recommendations

The EPA will initiate risk management under TSCA Section 6 to address occupational exposure risks. Proposed measures include:

• Enhanced worker protections: PPE, ventilation, and exposure monitoring in industrial settings.

• Focus on cumulative risks: Addressing DINP as part of a broader analysis of six phthalates linked to adverse effects.

Recommendations for the GGTI Standard

1. Address gaps in current guidance: The GGTI standard currently provides general guidance for toxic chemicals (e.g., isocyanates) but does not specifically address DINP risks in mist applications.

2. Expand criteria for spray-applied applications: Incorporate stricter requirements for adhesives, sealants, paints, and coatings, similar to isocyanates under SAC-3 (HealthRate).

3. Phased restriction of DINP: Gradually restrict DINP use, focusing on high-risk applications with occupational exposure.

4. Classification under ESCAP: Include DINP in ESCAP, with clear warning labels, disclosure of risks, and precautionary measures.

5. Certification adjustments:

6. Occupational health and safety (OHS) guidance: Develop a manufacturing manual to outline processes to lower DINP exposure risks.


Consultation Questions

1. Risk Evaluation and Priority

2. Expansion of Certification Criteria

3. Phased Restriction and Certification Tiers

4. Worker Safety and OHS Guidelines

5. ESCAP Classification and Transparency

6. Implementation and Industry Readiness


Next Steps

Send your feedback to Dr Nana Bortsie-Aryee, Program Director - Global GreenTag International

Comments close Friday, May 16. 2025.

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