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Reveal Your CarbonRATE™

CarbonRATE™ - a unique peer reviewed Embodied Carbon Product Certification Program - has been re-launched under the Global GreenTag International Certification Standard.  CarbonRATE™ has been upgraded to strongly challenge the market to design, manufacture and use only products that can scientifically identify carbon impacts and benefits.

Speaking in more detail about the CarbonRATE™ program this week in America at the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Atlanta,  David Baggs, Program Director and CEO of Global GreenTag International explained that GreenTag's new CarbonRATE™  "is deeper detailed to help accelerate a bold climate positive agenda.  Our core mission to help protect and regenerate natural resources firmly sits behind this new set of carbon labelling and metrics," says Mr. Baggs.

The CarbonRATE program is rolling out for products undergoing GreenTag's EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) and LCARate certification programs.

Mr. Baggs adds: "What we want is for each CarbonRate TAG issued to tell the whole carbon story behind the full life cycle of each product." This level of information will be particularly of interest to companies and projects whose policies are now focused on reaching low carbon and zero carbon targets.

The new CarbonRATE TAGS provide products with high visibility carbon performance graphics that include real carbon metrics – instantly communicating the climate performance of products that have been assessed in the program.

"It is vital in this time of climate emergency that we identify for companies and consumers alike the differences between products," says Mr. Baggs. "By disclosing the proper information and taking products through a program of CarbonLCA (Life Cycle Analysis) we can now show clearly how individual products are reducing climate impacts or providing climate net benefits. We can help quantify carbon offset needs required for specific carbon claims and provide ISO compliant data for robust carbon claims using detailed life cycle analysis."

Global GreenTag International is a signatory to the World Green Building Council's (World GBC) bold new #AdvancingNetZero program's Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront Vision – an initiative that encourages buildings and infrastructure around the world to reach 40% less embodied carbon emissions by 2030 to achieve 100% net zero emission buildings by 2050.
For more information about CarbonRATE, please contact:
David Baggs, CEO & Program Director Global GreenTag International 

Phone: +61 7 3399 9686 (Intl)

Australia - Freecall: 1300 263 586

Email:  mailto:[]

25/11 Global GreenTag Americas Making a Positive Mark in the US »

« 21/11 Global GreenTag Leaders Converge at Greenbuild China

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