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Coronavirus Procedure introduced by Global GreenTag Supports Companies Affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak

Effective from February 20, 2020, Global GreenTag International introduced a Coronavirus COVID-19 Adaptation Assessment Procedure on current and future certification projects, until further notice.

Unfortunately, due to the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, GreenTag assessors have been notified that many factories, especially in China, have closed, and, with no clear date of when they will be operational again.

GreenTag has therefore introduced its new Coronavirus Procedure to support businesses affected who are currently unable to collect data required by GreenTag assessors to conduct product assessments and re-certifications.

Under the new Procedure, Global GreenTag will be handling the issue in two ways:

New product certification projects or existing certifications with new or additional materials. These assessment projects will be put on hold indefinitely, and at no extra cost to clients, until factories resumes activities and are operational again.
Clients with products that are currently going through re-certification processes. GreenTag will honour and support the re-certification flow through of these products for clients too. As long as a re-certifying product's supply chain remains unchanged from the last certification cycle, then clients will have a 12-month grace period as long as they submit the required supply chain information before the next Renewal cycle begins.

Please consult GreenTag's full details about the Coronavirus COVID-19 Adaptation Assessment Procedure on our website:[]
Original cover photo by Jose Fontano on Unsplash

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