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EPD Promotion Center and Global GreenTag International Sign Agreement to Collaborate

EPD促进中心与Global GreenTag International签署MoU

EPD促进中心与Global GreenTag International签署MoU

2024年12月5日,EPD促进中心与 Global GreenTag International 签署了谅解备忘录memorandum of understanding(MOU),并在产品环境声明(EPD)、产品类别规�™(PCR)方面达成合作意向,共同推动EPD在中国和澳大利亚的深入合作和交流。


On December 5, 2024, the EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) China Program, operated by the EPD Promotion Center, an independent social organization supervised by the Chinese governments entered a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with Global GreenTag International, the independent, third-party product assessment body that operates the Global GreenTag EPD™ Program.

Mrs Fei Yun, Program Director of EPD China and Dr Nana Bortsie-Aryee, Program Director of Global GreenTag International, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to develop a working relationship to achieve mutual recognition of EPDs, registered by the respective EPD program operators.

The agreement will meet an increasing need from EPD owners to publish mutually recognised EPDs at both Global GreenTag International and EPD China. The development will increase recognition of products by manufacturers in Mainland China whose products are published with EPD China to extend their markets into Australia and, for Australian-based manufacturers with EPDs published by the Global GreenTag EPD program, to – in turn - promote their products for projects in Mainland China.

Both organisations have agreed to mutually reach a cooperative process for technical collaboration between China and Australia to achieve mutual recognition in the technical production of EPDs. This will include sharing in the development of new Product Category Rules (PCRs) to undertake EPDs in different product categories, as well as both parties working towards an mutually agreed process to jointly promote each other's EPDs between the two countries after they are finalized.

For further information about the Global GreenTag EPD Program, please address them to Yasmin Kelly by email:

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